Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
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Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development  
  Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development--2019, 13 (3)   Published: 30 September 2019
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Summary of the Development and Utilization Technology for Road Potential Energy

ZHONG Ke, SUN Ming-zhi, SUN Sheng-kai
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 1-7.
Show Abstract ( 178 )
The related research and application status of potential energy technologies for road at home and abroad were comprehensively investigated and systematically analyzed in this study to provide theoretical guidance and technical support for the development and utilization of road potential energy sources. The applicability of different types of power generation technologies, such as photovoltaic power generation, piezoelectric power generation pavement, and road speed reducer power generation equipment, was analyzed, and the development direction for future research of road energy was proposed in this paper.

Nonlinear Numerical Model for a Vehicle-Pavement Coupled System Considering Pavement Roughness

XU Hai-liang, SUN Jin-dou, REN He-huan, QIN Ji-jing
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 8-13.
Show Abstract ( 250 )
Considering pavement roughness, this study on a vehicle-pavement coupled system was mainly based on the linear elastic model in frequency domain. The nonlinear dynamic numerical model for the system was established using finite element method. The model could simulate the movement and jumping of vehicles in the time domain. The results for the new model were verified, and they showed that the new model could reflect the true vibration between vehicle and pavement. The new model indicated that the pavement roughness was severe, and the vibration displacement of the pavement was large. Results showed that the maximum displacement of the C-level road roughness was 1.31 times than that of the A-level road roughness under the same condition. However, the vibration frequency of the pavement is not significantly affected by the roughness.

Design, Simulation, and Verification of a Heating and Stirring Device for Cold Patching Materials in the Plateau Cold Region of China

ZHANG Wei-liang, LI Liang, ZHANG Jun, YE Min, MA Biao
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 14-21.
Show Abstract ( 160 )
In the plateau cold region of China, the highway maintenance line is long, the maintenance fund is insufficient, the annual average temperature is low, the air is thin, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the freezing and thawing cycle is frequent and intense. These conditions lead to the poor highway maintenance in the cold region of the plateau. At present, cold patching materials are commonly used for daily maintenance in the plateau cold region. Due to the low-temperature construction environment in the plateau cold region, the moisture of cold patching materials after demulsification is not easy to evaporate, the compaction effect is weak, re-freezing and thawing easily occur after the temperature rises, and the maintenance quality is low. In order to avoid the restriction of season and weather on highway maintenance in plateau cold areas and to solve the problem of poor maintenance and construction quality of cold patching materials in plateau cold areas in low temperature environment, this paper proposes a scheme of heating emulsified asphalt cold patching materials to a certain temperature and then constructing it, and designs a heating and stirring system, a constant temperature control system, a control system circuit and other parts according to the scheme requirements, finally completing the overall design of the heating and stirring device. Then, working parameters such as stirring motor power 2 kW and stirring speed 30 r/min are determined through theoretical calculation. To verify that the design is reasonable, we established a 3D model of the heating device by using ANSYS CFX fluid analysis software. Simulation analysis was carried out on the heating device, and the design parameters were optimized. On the basis of optimized parameters, production equipment of heating device prototype, and prototype field experiment, field experiment results show that the simulation and experimental results are in good fit and that the design parameters are reasonable. The results of this study can serve as a reference for highway maintenance in cold highlands.

Settlement and Prediction of Subgrades in Tidal Flat Areas under Repeated Water Levels

CAI Jun-hua
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 22-32.
Show Abstract ( 143 )
The engineering geological conditions of the Xiapu tidal flat in a subgrade project in Fujian are analyzed. The numerical simulation software Plaxis2D is exploited to study the settlement development of deep and thick grounds in tidal flats under repeated water levels. The growth mechanism of the consolidation degree in each phase is analyzed, and the consolidation degree prediction formula is proposed. The evolution of pore water pressure of subgrades in tidal flats is introduced, and the mechanism of pore water pressure growth under repeated water levels is revealed. The settlement prediction system is developed for deep and thick grounds in tidal flats under the repeated water levels according to the gray prediction method GM(1,1). The correctness is verified by numerical calculation results. Results show that subgrades produce differential settlement under repeated water levels. In the subgrade project in Fujian, the settlement on the top right side of the embankment is larger than that on the left side, and the settlement difference is approximately 36 cm. The settlement rates on the right and left sides of the embankment are 9.43×10-5 and 4.35×10-5 m/day, respectively. The development of the consolidation degree during the loading and consolidation process can be well described by the power function form. The application of the power function expression is recommended. In the phase of repeated water levels, the logistic function expression is recommended for the consolidation degree. In terms of the development of pore water pressure, the pore water pressure of the subgrade on the right side is greater than that on the left side under repeated water levels. The pore water pressure on the right side of the subgrade suddenly increases to 120 kPa, and the pore water pressure is increased to 113 kPa at the center of the subgrade. The pore water pressure of the subgrade on the left side is 10 kPa. The pore pressure is higher than 3 kPa when it is first loaded. On the basis of gray theory, the settlement prediction system for deep tidal flat roadbeds under repeated water levels can control settlement error within 5% and can thus be applied to engineering practice.

Dynamic Response of Loess Stepped Slopes Subjected to Vehicle Vibration

LI Peng, GUO Min, LIU Shi-jie, XU Ji-wei
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 33-43.
Show Abstract ( 158 )
This work aims to provide theoretical support for the study of structural loess degradation and slope disaster mechanism under automobile vibration. The research on the dynamic response law of loess stepped slopes under the action of automobile vibration is currently insufficient. Thus, this study takes the loess stepped slope located in Anzi road as the research object and summarizes its deformation modes, failure modes, and characteristics. Vehicle vibration signals of different types, speeds, and positions are obtained by field investigation and monitoring. The following conclusions are derived on the basis of the statistical analysis of the monitoring signals. (1) The vibration response of the slope increases with the increase of vehicle load. As the vehicle load increases, the area with strong vibration response gradually migrates from the second-to the first-grade slope. (2) The amplification effect of the vibration wave is strong when the vehicle load is small and weak when the vehicle load is large. Moreover, the Z-direction wave appears as a vibration attenuation. (3) The X-direction wave's frequency distribution presents a single peak, and the main frequency is concentrated in 17-65 Hz. The Z-direction wave's frequency distribution presents multiple peaks, and the main frequency is concentrated in 22-185 Hz. (4) The frequency variation is not greatly relevant to the type, speed, and position of the vehicle but is determined by the slope itself. (5) The stress state of the loess stepped slope changes under vehicle vibration. In the design of loess stepped slopes, the slope gradient should not be considerably large, and the first-and second-grade slopes should not be extremely high. Furthermore, slope protection should be focused on the first-and second-grade slopes. This research reveals the dynamic response of loess stepped slopes subjected to vehicle vibration, and the results may help establish theoretical and practical methods to protect this slope type.

Calculation Method for Flexural Damage of RC Beams Subjected to Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Actions

FU Yu-fang, ZHANG Jin-quan, NIU Di-tao
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 44-51.
Show Abstract ( 227 )
Fatigue constitutive laws of concrete and S-N curves of steel bars have been investigated widely. This study aims to explore the failure problems of reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to cyclic loads and corrosive actions. The live loads obtained from Chinese technical standards and practical surveys were adopted in experiments and numerical calculations. A series of tests were conducted to study the fatigue performance of normal and corroded RC beams. A numerical method was proposed to calculate the fatigue damage of RC beams under corrosive actions and cyclic loads. The performance of RC beams with increasing fatigue cycles were analyzed with using MATLAB software in which the global stiffness degradation was introduced to represent the properties evolutions of corroded steel bars and concrete.

Application of the Euler Motion Amplification Algorithm to Bridge Vibration Analysis

CHU Xi, ZHOU Zhi-xiang, DENG Guo-jun, DUAN Xin, JIANG Xin
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 52-61.
Show Abstract ( 286 )
In this study, the Euler subtle motion amplification (MA) algorithm is applied to bridge vibration analysis. First, a series of digital images of bridge structures is continuously captured using an ordinary digital camera. Then, the micro-vibration of the bridge is amplified using the related algorithm of Euler MA. The time history image of the bridge specimen under conventional video sampling frequency is obtained by decomposing the amplified digital image. Lastly, the holographic dynamic displacement measurement results of the test bridge are obtained by analyzing the edge features of the marking points in the image sequences. The proposed analysis method is feasible compared with the displacement sensor and dial indicator. It can meet the application requirements of bridge dynamic displacement measurement. It can also perform preliminary quantitative analysis of several vibration characteristics of bridges and identify the micro-vibration displacements of a bridge structure.

Classification Method for Surrounding Rock of Highway Tunnel Based on Quantization of Tunnel Face Structure

LIU Hou-xiang, ZHA Huan-yi, WANG Zhen, JIANG Wu-jun
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 62-69.
Show Abstract ( 250 )
By studying tunnel face images collected during a highway tunnel excavation, we establish the classification system of photolithography by MATLAB programming. According to the rock mass index (rock block size index or RBI) concept, 19 virtual lines are arranged in turn to the tunnel contour line, and the difference of the brazier rock mass structure is evaluated synthetically by 19 RBs of the radial direction of the face. Based on the structure, the distribution of comprehensive index of the rock mass structure (Z-RBI) is obtained through a comprehensive evaluation of the rock surface, and the corresponding relationship between the Z-RBI and rock structure type is determined. Considering the hardening degree of rock mass, the Z-RBI, groundwater condition, and initial geostress state, we propose the BP classification method for tunnel rocks, and we evaluated the BT method by using the analytic hierarchy process standard in an actual project. The comparison of the BT classification method and traditional BQ method reveals that the result of the former is more in accordance with the actual level of the excavated rock face than that of the latter method.

Comparative Research of Electromechanical Design Schemes for Highway Tunnels between China and Eastern Europe

GAO Yang, CHEN Xiao-ni
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 70-79.
Show Abstract ( 172 )
This study aims to strengthen the understanding of the electrical and mechanical (E&M) design plans of highway tunnels in Eastern Europe and to create a foundation for Chinese enterprises to open up the market for tunnel E&M installation projects in Eastern Europe. The Bar-Boljare Highway in the Republic of Montenegro is taken as an example to conduct a comparative research on the E&M designs of highway tunnels in China and Eastern Europe. On the basis of tunnel electrical and mechanical facilities covering ventilation, lighting, fire protection, monitoring, communication, and power supply and distribution, the comprehensive comparison focuses on design concept, design scale, design specifications, design parameters, design plan, equipment selection, and other aspects. The research method involves comprehensively comparing and studying the E&M installation work standards in China and East Europe and the Bar-Boljare Highway Project in Montenegro and similar projects in China. The expected conclusion of this study is that the tunnel E&M design concepts in China are mostly similar to those in Eastern Europe, with few differences. The selection of tunnel systems, such as lighting, ventilation, fire protection, monitoring, and other types of E&M facilities, and the layout of evacuation, indication, and other types of safety facility signs predicate the importance attached to tunnels. The E&M designs of tunnels in Eastern Europe are relatively large in scale and have all mechanical types, and the tunnels with a length exceeding 400 m are equipped with a relatively complete set of systems; in China, the same could be said of only category B tunnels or above. Design standards in China are systematic, whereas no unified design system exists in Eastern Europe, with a conspicuous difference noticed among miscellaneous standards. The valuation of design parameters in Eastern Europe is similar to that in China, but the valuation of luminance outside tunnels is more scientific than that in China. The valuation of fire disaster release amount of the ventilation system is also larger in the former. The tunnel fire rescue evacuation and escape-related design considerations in Eastern Europe are, to some extent, redundant but more scientific and humane, whereas they are more economical and reasonable in China. Eastern European tunnels are equipped with domestic undermanned portal railings, and radio and traffic broadcasts. Great differences in design norms exist between the tunnels in Eastern Europe and China. The parameters of fire-related equipment in Eastern Europe are more demanding than those in China, whereas the parameters for some equipment are highly conservative.

Urban Traffic Congestion Load Redistribution Control based on Complex Networks

WANG Shi-bo, ZHAO Jin-lou, ZHENG Ji-xing, LI Ai-ping
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 80-86.
Show Abstract ( 175 )
In recent years, urban traffic congestion has become an important issue that besets the economic development of cities and brings inconvenience to people's productivity and lives. However, traffic congestion is inevitable due to certain factors, such as urban planning, population density, and traffic facilities. Thus, addressing traffic congestion, redistributing congestion load reasonably, and preventing large-scale cascade congestion offer practical research value. In this work, to solve urban traffic congestion, we set an initial load for every traffic network node and then determine whether the node fails or not according to the load threshold value. On the basis of the results, a nonlinear model for failure nodes' load redistribution is proposed. A condition in which the model triggers cascading failure is analyzed, and random and intentional attacks are executed on the Qiqihar urban traffic network. The cascading failures caused by the congestion nodes are simulated with MATLAB, and an understandable method of determining the destructive effect of the attacks is selected. Simulation results show that the model can achieve enhanced robustness against cascading failure by adjusting failure nodes' load redistribution reasonably, reducing the number of cascade failure nodes, and avoiding large-scale cascading failure. This study finds that intentional attacks are more destructive than random attacks when the capacity coefficient is small, but a supersized capacity coefficient is impossible in real life due to various constraints. Therefore, we need to properly adjust the redistribution coefficient of traffic load, redistribute congestion load, effectively reduce the number of failure nodes, and prevent large-scale cascading failure.

Identification of the Node Importance of a Passenger Transport Network in Metropolitan Areas

MAO Jian-nan, LIU Lan, KANG Lei-lei
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 87-95.
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To identify the node importance of a passenger transport network in metropolitan areas, this study measures the synthetical passenger node importance of cities in three aspects by considering space of flow theory in a social network. First, a framework with eight selected basic features is constructed to identify basic urban attribute indexes by using the traditional node importance method in transport network design. Second, network topology attributes (i.e., aggregation and betweenness degrees) are proposed on the basis of a passenger transport network. Third, an urban linkage model based on the gravity model is developed by considering urban linkage in metropolitan areas. The three aspects are integratively evaluated by using the entire-array-polygon method, and then cluster analysis of the comprehensive node importance of a passenger network is performed using the k-means algorithm. A case study of the Chengdu metropolitan area in Sichuan is conducted, and results verify that the proposed algorithm is reasonable and suitable for identifying the node importance of a passenger transport network in a megalopolis.

Traffic Influence Degree of Urban Traffic Accident based on Speed Ratio

HE Ya-qin, RONG Yu-lun, LIU Zu-peng, DU Sheng-pin
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 96-102.
Show Abstract ( 224 )
The analysis of traffic influence degree of urban traffic accident has a significant and real-world importance for estimating traffic emergency grades and adopting corresponding countermeasures. In this paper, analogized with water wave ripple theory, the ratio of speed before-to after-accident was proposed as the traffic impact coefficient to evaluate the traffic influence of an accident. In this paper, we limited the study to a certain type of traffic accident and established a standard theoretical model of the traffic impact coefficient. Thirty-five traffic accidents were sorted by using MATLAB, and the variable control method based on data filtering was adopted. According to the variations of different traffic accident characteristics and considering the differences in remaining road capacity after the accident, the modified factor of each accident was obtained by calculating the lane utilization factor of urban roads. The traffic influence degree value was calculated via double integral, which was used to evaluate the comprehensive traffic impact of the accident on the surrounding road network. Finally, the comprehensive traffic influence value was calculated by using the established standard model and the model built according to simulation data on the basis of a VISSIM simulation of an assumed accident. Results show that the comprehensive traffic influence values of the two methods were 0.666 and 0.648. The error of the two values was 3.8%, which shows the feasibility of the established evaluation model for traffic impact of accidents. The result shows that the proposed model proposed in this paper can be used by traffic management departments to quickly respond to accidents.

Immune Feedback Strategy in an Electronic Throttle Control System

SUN Jian-min, ZHENG Peng-tao
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2019, 13 (3): 103-110.
Show Abstract ( 192 )
The control strategy for improving the emission performance of engine transition condition is explored to enhance the dynamic response characteristics of the electronic throttle control system of automobile engines. A strong nonlinear relationship exists among the return spring, gear backlash, throttle shaft, and throttle body friction of the electronic throttle electromechanical system, thereby affecting the dynamic response characteristics of the engine electronic throttle under various operating conditions. On the basis of the nonlinear electronic throttle electromechanical system, a corresponding mathematical model is established to study the electronic throttle control system. Then, fuzzy and immune feedback control algorithms are applied to the motion control of the electronic throttle system on the basis of intelligent control because of its advantages of strong anti-disturbance ability, strong robustness, and applicability to nonlinear control systems. The immune feedback control algorithm is characterized by a rapid response in the control system. The influence of nonlinearity of the electronic throttle system on the control effect is discussed in this paper. The fuzzy immune PID controller is designed on the basis of the classical control algorithm PID for control precision and response of the system. The fuzzy control algorithm's adaptability to the nonlinear system improves the response performance of the electronic throttle system, and the immune feedback algorithm enhances the response efficiency of the control system. The response characteristics of electronic throttle is further explored. Experimental results show that the response speed of the fuzzy immune PID control system and speed adjustment of the dynamic characteristics of indicators have clear advantages over those of the PID and fuzzy PID control system. The controller is conducive to the improvement of the electronic throttle response characteristics. Improving the power, economy, and emissions of vehicles has important significance.
Copyright © Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
Supported by: Beijing Magtech