Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
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Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development  
  Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development--2015, 9 (4)   Published: 30 August 2015
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Dynamic Viscoelastic Property of Hard-Grade Asphalt Mixture

DONG Yu-ming, TAN Yi-qiu
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 1-8. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.004
Show Abstract ( 53 )
Four hard-grade asphalt mixtures of two hard binders and two gradations are investigated in terms of their rutting resistance, cracking resistance, and moisture sensitivity. After examining the basic properties of the hard-grade asphalt mixture, its viscoelastic performance is given focus. The dynamic modulus test is executed at seven temperatures. Based on time temperature superposition, the sigmoid function of the viscoelastic models of the hard-grade asphalt mixture on is established, and the master curves of the dynamic moduli are also constructed. Results indicate that the hard-grade asphalt mixture has excellent resistance to rutting and that its low temperature performance and water sensitivity meet the current specifications. Research demonstrates that a dynamic modulus of coarse gradation is higher than that of fine gradation in the load frequency of 10-3-104 Hz. The viscoelastic analyses for the Christensen Anderson Marasteanu (CAM) model shows that the complex modulus of the glassy state Ge*of coarse gradation is higher than that of fine gradation. The crossing frequency fc in the CAM model of the fine gradation is higher than that of the coarse gradation. These results indicate that a finer gradation is beneficial to the low temperature performance of hard-grade asphalt mixture.

Modifying the Formula of the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of a Shallow Square Foundation

WANG Rui, HU Zhi-ping, XIA Xiang-bo, WANG Xu, CHEN Yue
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 9-15. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.08.009
Show Abstract ( 101 )
The analytical solution for the ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow square foundation is studied. The characteristics of existing assumptions, the calculation method, and the yield criterion of the calculation method for the ultimate bearing capacity of the shallow square foundation are examined. The following assumptions are made: (1) the global shearing deformation surface of the foundation follows the sliding surface of Prandtl-Reissner's classic theory, (2) the destruction soil under the foundation is an indeformable rigid-plastic body, and (3) the failure surface satisfies the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Based on the static equilibrium condition of the rigid-plastic body and considering the limit equilibrium of the passive zone, the theoretical solution for the ultimate bearing capacity of the shallow square foundation is derived and compared with those of Vesic's semi-empirical equation and other existing analytic equations. Comparison results show that the bearing capacity coefficients Nc and Nq can be increased if the limit equilibrium of the passive zone is considered, but the variation of the bearing capacity coefficient with the internal friction angle of soil is different. Furthermore, the presented theoretical solution, which is a revised calculation method for the ultimate bearing capacity of the shallow square foundation, is similar to those of Vesic's semi-empirical equation and other analytic equations.

Numerical Simulation of Load Bearing Capacity of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beam after Cyclic Loading

YANG Xiao-ming, LI Fu-zhai, SUN Guo-jun
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 16-23. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.05.014
Show Abstract ( 150 )
The numerical simulation analysis of the static load bearing capacity of a corroded reinforced concrete (RC) beam after being subjected several times to fatigue load is conducted using the ABAQUS software. Parameters, such as section area, yield strength, and ultimate strength of the steel bars, are modified to simulate the influence of reinforcement corrosion and cyclic loading. The nonlinear static analysis of the RC beam at different corrosion rates and cycle numbers after cyclic loading is also performed. The yield load of the corroded RC beam after cyclic loading decreases almost linearly with an increase in the corrosion rate and number of cyclic loading, and the influence of the two factors on the yield load is similar. The ultimate deflection of the RC beam increases nonlinearly with an increase in the corrosion rate and increases almost linearly with an increase in the number of cyclic loading. The influence of corrosion rate is larger than that of the number of cyclic loading and is particularly more obvious when the number of cyclic loading is higher.

Examining the Stationarity and Ergodicity of Traffic Flow on Highway Bridges

WANG Qiang, SU Cheng
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 24-30. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.4.012
Show Abstract ( 75 )
According to the information of vehicles collected by weigh-in-motion systems (WIMs) on 28 lanes of 6 highways bridges, stochastic processes of the type of traffic flow on each lane are generated respectively, time means, and time-correlation functions, were calculated accordingly based on stochastic process theory. The stationarity and ergodicity of the composed stochastic processes of the vehicle type of traffic flow were then examined. The statistical characterization of samples collected by WIM systems on actual highways will approach the total value if the samples are sufficiently plenitudinous. Moreover, the statistical characterization of the collected vehicle information will exhibit the characters of the entire specimen. Such results can be used as guides to model random vehicle load further.

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Landscape-Covered Bridge with Consideration of the Bridge-Building Interaction

SONG Shuai, QIAN Yong-jiu, FENG Bo
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 31-40. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.015
Show Abstract ( 74 )
The seismic fragility analysis of a three-span landscape covered bridge with a continuous rigid frame and a reinforced concrete frame structure is performed using traditional reliability theory. To assess the effect of the upper building structures on the bridge, nonlinear dynamic transient analysis is performed based on the spatial finite element model of the structure. The damage indexes of the pier and the bearing are defined based on the displacement failure criterion. Considering the uncertainties of ground motion and structure material, the fragility curves of piers and bearings are obtained by taking the peak ground acceleration (PGA) as an independent variable. The upper and lower limits of the bridge system fragility curves, including the building structures and excluding building structures are then obtained using the first-order bound reliability principle. The influence of the upper part of the building structure on the bridge system is analyzed, and the seismic property of the bridge is assessed. Results show that building structures significantly affect the seismic vulnerability of the bridge system, which dramatically increases its probability of undergoing extensive and complete damage.

Research on the Calculation Methods for the Carrying Capacity of the Cross-section of the Bending Member Reinforced with an Enlarged Section

YANG Bin, AN Guan-feng, SHAN Cheng-lin
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 41-49. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.013
Show Abstract ( 128 )
Regulations on relevant design specifications are comparatively analyzed to expediently calculate the carrying capacity of the cross section of the bending member of a bridge reinforced with an enlarged section. Five different failure forms of the bending member strengthened with the enlarged section are analyzed, along with the advice on modifications propounded by some experts and professors who apply the said regulations. Results lead to the conclusion that the B-class failure form of a suitable reinforced beam is impossible. This failure occurs when new tension steels do not yield but old tension steels do yield. Based on the conclusion of the present study on damage forms, the calculation formula for the carrying capacity of the cross section of bending beams strengthened with enlarged sections is obtained, and the scope of application is extended to increasing the concrete sections on the tension and compressive zones, as tested by engineering examples. The calculation method is simple and relatively safe and has already been adopted in the technical specifications for the strengthening of urban bridges, which will be enacted soon.

Classification of Rocks Surrounding Tunnel Based on Factor Analysis and Fisher Discriminant Analysis

SHAO Liang-shan, XU bo
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 50-57. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.07.016
Show Abstract ( 134 )
To forecast the tunnel surrounding rock category quickly and effectively and to enhance the stability of underground engineering and security, we apply theory of factor analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis. In addition, six indicators, namely, rock quality, integrity, saturated uniaxial compressive strength, longitudinal wave velocity, elastic resistance coefficient, and structure surface friction factor, were selected as discriminant factors in Fisher's discriminant analysis. A Fisher prediction model based on factor analysis was built to predict the tunnel surrounding rock category. Thirty groups of tunnel surrounding rock data in the survey site were used as learning samples for the training. The resubstitution method was used to test the model, which yielded a 96.7% accuracy. The established discriminant model was used in an engineering application and used six sets of engineering data as test samples to forecast the classification of tunnel surrounding rock. We also compared this model simultaneously with the neural network and Bayes methods. The factor analysis can effectively extract the surrounding rock classification index and remove the redundant factors. Fisher's discriminant model based on factor analysis can effectively predict the tunnel surrounding rock category with 100% prediction accuracy.

Camera Calibration Method Exploiting Reference Images and Roadway Information for Traffic Applications

LIU Hao, ZHANG Run-chu, DU Qian-yun, YU Zhu-liang, ZHANG Ke
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 58-63. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2014.11.022
Show Abstract ( 126 )
A video-based traffic flow detection system requires calibration of cameras to generate accurate estimates of vehicle speed. Traditional manual calibration methods cannot satisfy this requirement because calibration has complex procedures. A new traffic camera calibration method is proposed, which exploits reference images and roadway information. The proposed method requires only two parallel lane markings with a known width and a line perpendicular to the lane markings. Camera parameters, including focal length, tilt angle, pan angle, and camera height, can be recovered. A method based on reference images is further proposed to calculate ill-conditioned camera parameters, in which reference images are acquired by a rotating camera while keeping focal length unchanged. Camera recalibration can be easily realized through reference images and roadway information when cameras are moved manually. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed method has the advantages of simple operation and accurate parameter estimations. The method also requires no manual operations and saves manpower.

Optimal Timing Model Based on Dynamic Control of Traffic Flow at Intersections

XIAO Wen-bin, LIU Wei, GAO Xian-peng
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 64-70. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.4.022
Show Abstract ( 84 )
Signal control of urban intersections still mainly employs single-point fixed phase, and optimal timing methods cannot optimize traffic given the altering state of traffic flow. To address these issues, the phase of optimal flow line combination is dynamically generated with the principle of traffic flow line compatibility and minimum loss of green light and according to the traffic flow at the intersection entrance. After ascertaining the combination of the periodic phase, the vehicles' average delay of traffic flow lines is analyzed when the vehicles are detained (or not detained) in the traffic flow line at the end of the period. Combined with the delay model, the optimal timing model, which can adapt to the dynamic changes in intersection traffic flow, is established. The optimal timing of phases is calculated to achieve dynamic optimization control of the intersection traffic line. The calculation example shows that the delay is small and the improvement of intersection running state is highly effective when the optimal timing model based on dynamic control of traffic flow is employed.

Multi-objective Optimization Method of Public Transit Networks Based on Travel Behavior

ZHOU Kang, HE Shi-wei, SONG Rui, CHENG Ling-yan
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 71-77. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.019
Show Abstract ( 99 )
The optimization of transit networks can improve transit efficiency and traffic conditions as well as reduce environmental pollution. Transit network optimization that considers the travel behavior of bus passengers comprises four steps. First, a bypass strategy is employed to optimize the bus lines according to the situation of urban traffic congestion. Second, direct ratio is calculated to determine the optimal network. Third, minimum transfer is sought by using the space P method to construct and analyze a transit network model. In building a network adjacency matrix, the Floyd algorithm is used to obtain the matrix of minimum transfers between two stops. The Breadth-First Search algorithm is used to search the bus routes with the shortest transfer time. Fourth, all the bus lines of the same origin-destination are optimized to obtain the shortest travel time. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method can reasonably and efficiently achieve public transport network optimization within a given area.

Modeling Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Urban Traffic Based on Vehicle Policy

ZHANG Yi, ZHANG Li, ZHENG Chao-cheng, ZHU Xiao-dong
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 78-84. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.002-0268.2015.06.022
Show Abstract ( 145 )
A system dynamics (SD) model of the sustainable development of urban transport is built with vehicle development policy considered as the regulating factor. Moreover, an empirical study is conducted using SD and integrating environmental factors. Results show that (1) policy intervention influences the indicators of vehicle possession, gross domestic production, total population, and pollution index of NO2; and (2) strict restrictions on vehicles can effectively relieve traffic congestion, reduce the percentage of vehicle travel and trips, and urge people to shift from private to public transport. Policy intervention also improves the service level of public transport. The negative effect of urban transport development on the environment can be reduced. A restriction policy on vehicle possession should be implemented. Moreover, research, development, and promotion of effective energy-saving measures and emission-reducing technologies are needed to reduce energy consumption and emissions from vehicles.

Mesoscopic Traffic Flow Model Considering Overtaking Requirements

LU Shou-feng, WANG Jie, XUE Zhi-gui, LIU Xi-min
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 85-90. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.018
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Overtaking probability formula in the Prigogine-Herman traffic flow mesoscopic model is the function of traffic density, which is a linear function and does not consider overtaking requirements. In this paper, we use desired speed to improve the overtaking probability formula and propose a new overtaking probability formula that is nonlinear and a corresponding traffic flow mesoscopic model. The improved model can simultaneously consider traffic density and overtaking requirements, thus reflecting traffic flow operation realistically. We use the proposed model to simulate the diffusion process of vehicles from a high-density section to a low-density section. The example analyzes the difference between the linear overtaking probability formula and the parabolic Greenshield's overtaking probability formula. Results show that the linear overtaking probability formula evolves quickly and converges to three speed classes. The parabolic Greenshield's overtaking probability formula converges to six speed classes and can reflect speed distribution evolution reasonably.

A Study on the Relationship between Asset Condition and Safety (Part Ⅱ)

GAO Jian, ZHANG Fan, SUN Ling
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 91-96.
Show Abstract ( 190 )
This second part of the study is a follow-up to Part I. In addition to the Asset Condition Index (ACI) establishments and statistical model estimates of the first part, this further study analyzed several typical asset improvement methods, which placed priority on safety. This study used data that were identical to those in the previous one study, i.e., the one-mile-segment data set for all state primary roads from 2004 to 2009 integrated using geographic information system (GIS) tools. With the estimated ACI and the separate models, this study focused on developing a methodology to prioritize safety improvements based on asset conditions. Results indicate that minor rehabilitation and durable material marking have the highest B/C ratio when a one-year analysis period is considered. To expand the analysis for 5 years, a decision-making matrix of ACI ranges versus treatment alternatives was developed.

Analysis of the Rollover Crash Worthiness of the Bus Body structure Based on ECE R66 Regulation

WANG Shu-ju, PAN Yi-shan, ZHANG Guo-sheng, CUI Hai-tao
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 97-101. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.06.024
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Given that dynamic test data are difficult to obtain and relevant test results are always unstable, this study examines the rollover crash worthiness of a 6756-type bus. The finite element model and numerical simulation environment for the rollover crash are established in the LS-DYNA software according to the ECE R66 regulation to analyze the dynamic numerical simulation results of the rollover crash of the passenger vehicle. This study discusses and analyzes the energy dissipation of the system, the energy-absorbing effects of the main structure, and the deformation of the system in the rollover crash process. The effectiveness of the method that evaluates the rollover crash of the passenger vehicle with finite element is verified by comparing the simulation results and the real vehicle testing data. Results show that the amounts of absorbed energy of the right side, top, and left side walls of the passenger vehicle account for 40%, 30%, and 15% of the total absorbed energy, respectively. The deformation of the column in the same window successively decreases from top to bottom, and the deformation of the column with the same height in different windows decreases from the front to the back.

Correlative Analysis of Hydraulic Bushing of Suspension Control Arm and Full Vehicle Ride Comfort

GAO Jin, NIU Zi-ru, YANG Xiu-jian, ZHANG Kun
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2015, 9 (4): 102-110. ;  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-0268.2015.04.026
Show Abstract ( 405 )
To analyze and compare the vehicle performance effects of hydraulic bushings with those of the traditional rubber bushings of double wishbone front suspensions, we test the static and dynamic properties of the hydraulic bushings of control arms. The mechanical model is built in ADAMS and is then used as basis for establishing the full vehicle model. The random road surface spectra of different levels are built by using the harmony superposition method. The ride comfort of the full vehicle with a control arm installed with hydraulic and rubber bushings is simulated on random and bump roads. The frequency spectrum characteristic and root mean square (RMS) of the vertical and longitudinal acceleration of the foot floor and seat rail are calculated via power spectrum estimation, and the handling stability of the full vehicle is then simulated. The effects of the change in hydraulic bushing stiffness on ride comfort are finally analyzed. The following results are obtained. (1) The effects of such change on vehicle handling are relatively small regardless of the type of bushing used. (2) The vehicle shows acceptable ride comfort on level A and level B roads but shows poor ride comfort on bump road when a hydraulic bushing is used. (3) Large hydraulic bushing stiffness increases the vertical acceleration RMS on level A, level B, and bump roads. However, the variety of RMS is extremely small on level D roads, the responses of the vertical and longitudinal acceleration curves are slow, and the time oscillation of the curves is relatively long on bump road.
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech