Key Design Indicators for Roadside Warning Piles |
JIANG Ming1, CHEN Yan-Yan1, FENG Yi-dong2, ZHOU Rui3 |
1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering, School of Civil & Construction Engineering Institute, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Highway Safety Ministry of Communications, Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Communications, Beijing 100088, China;
3. School of Chinese Materia Medica, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, 100029 |
Abstract This study aims to investigate retroreflectivity sheeting matching and design of highway warning piles. The effects of relevant parameters on the nocturnal guidance for a change in horizontal alignment of highway-side warning pile are studied and discussed by using real vehicle tests. We consider the two forms of warning piles that are commonly used on national highways. The first is the red and white warning piles, which is used for warning function of access spots; and the second is the yellow and black warning piles, which is used for the induction function of highway side profile. Deceleration spots before the vehicle enters the bend and the smoothness of the deceleration process are considered identification indicators on the basis of the real vehicle test. We obtain optimal quantities of retroreflectivity sheeting matching and design of highway warning piles using mathematical statistics method and correlation analysis. We also propose a corresponding low-cost solution considering the low budget of low-class highways.
Received: 03 November 2018
Fund:Supported by the Standardization Research Project of Ministry of Communications (No.2016 3722) |
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 40122436@qq.com
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